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All-Party Panel on Mental Health

All-Party Panel on Mental Health taking place September 10th, from 2-3 pm EDT.

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the mental health and well-being of Canadians. Even before the pandemic, one in five Canadians experienced a mental illness or a mental health issue in any given year.

This federal election presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make meaningful and lasting reforms to Canada’s mental health system.

Join us for a virtual discussion, on World Suicide Prevention Day, on mental health during the campaign period for the 44th federal election with award-winning journalist, André Picard, and candidates from all parties with seats in the House of Commons.

Hear from candidates what steps each party will take to ensure Canadians can get timely access to the mental health treatment and support they need, no matter where they live.

EN/FR simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

Register here now!

With support from our community partner, Rogers tv, and Daily Hive.


With remarks from: Margaret Eaton, National CEO, Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).

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